Recipes and Nutrition
Nutritional Benefits of Oysters
Oysters are a high source of complete protein. They are loaded with Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Phosphorous, Magnesium, Iron and Selenium and a good for your skin, heart and bones. Read more about the health benefits of oyters including their high Zinc content leading the sweet little oyster to be a powerful aphrodisiac.

Oysters on the Half Shell
Enjoy Fox Point Oysters fresh out of Little Bay. The liquor remains in the shell and you can taste the terroir, or flavor, of the waters the oysters are grown in.
Simply shuck and serve with:
-a wedge of lemon & a drop of Tobasco
-a dollop of Cocktail Sauce
-a chilled Prosecco Granita
-a fresh Cucumber Mignonette
Grilled Oysters
Grilling oysters adds a warm, smokey flavor and allows for easier shucking.
Top with your favorite sauces.

Fried Oysters
Enjoy hot, crispy oysters...